I was under the impression that cats were very easy, very hands-off pets. Sources told me, "all you have to do is give them food, water and clean the litter box." No one told me that they'd go into all my cabinets, sit in the sink while I brush my teeth, drag a loaf of bread bigger than their body from the pantry to the living room, stand on the keyboard while I type or sit on my head while I'm sleeping. They're into everything. It's like having two toddlers.
No one told me they can also have allergic reactions leading to traumatic shots at the vet.
I took AB to her doctor this morning to have her ears checked. She hasn't complained about them but she's had an endless cold and what might be blocked ears on and off for about three weeks. It just as well might be selective hearing. Who knows. Most of my motherhood is guessing. I decided last night to take her in so I didn't have time to make an appointment. Her doctor takes walk-ins every morning for an hour so I decided we'd try that instead. Half the town had the same idea, thanks to flu season. Annabelle wasn't concerned about germs and thought laying out flat on the floor was a good idea so we'll be bathing in disinfectant tonight. Lucy had an appointment at the vet at 11:30 so we were on a time crunch. After waiting 40 minutes we were still two patients away and Lucy's appointment was fast approaching. I had to choose between waiting another 40+ minutes for my child or taking my cat to her doctor. I don't like those types of decisions. It's too much of a which child do you love better situation. OF COURSE, I love AB more, but Lucy is the one with wounds/sores on her body and Annabelle was the one happily sitting in the waiting room with her dress bunched up around her waist with her tights and belly on full display. She is not in any pain. We made an appointment for Monday and left.
AB was thrilled to have someone in the backseat with her. Lucy normally loves the car but meowed up a storm. Annabelle kept up a steady pep-talk. "It's ok, Lulu. Do you wanna blanket? Do you wanna little cuddle time? I'll take care of you."

The doctor took one look at Lucy's issues and told me she was having an allergic reaction. A reaction to what, she didn't know. I love the cat and all (I did choose her doctor over my human child's doctor) but I'm not about to do some kind of food elimination diet to figure out if she ate something she shouldn't have. I'm not about to go cat paleo and feed her a diet of almond meal and cauliflower. If she's reacting to something outside, maybe she'll learn to stay inside like she supposed to. The vet gave her a shot that made Lucy jump a foot in the air and AB squeal much too loud for a small room. Both girls were wound up as we walked back to the car. Lucy was trying to leap from my arms and Annabelle was strolling through the parking lot while swinging the cat crate into her legs and asking why a highway is called a highway.
I'm mortified to have typed out 1,000 words about my cat. I swore I would never be that person.
Earlier in the week, our homeschool group had a kids market where the kids could sell baked goods, crafts or old toys. Annabelle and I made little turkeys out of lollipops and paper leaves.
It goes without saying that I did most of the work but she did draw all the faces. It took IMMENSE self-control not to redo all the faces when she went to bed but it was her project. If she liked how they looked then I would sit on my hands rather than have her think I was criticizing her drawing. She set up her little booth and told me, "You go look around, Mama. I've got this under control." She was so proud of herself.
I could tell she felt grown-up when she would look at what the other kids were selling and handed over her money. I told her she needed to save some of her money, but she spent some on an LOL doll, a necklace, a baggie of meringues and a cup of hot chocolate. Not bad for spending a grand total of $2.50.
Lucy will need to set up a table at the next kids' market to pay for all her vet bills.