Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A Tuesday in June

Our library finally opened back up! We were so excited to go in and not rely on curbside pick up. They had directional arrows taped on the floor and I went the wrong way because I have issues with going the right way in one-way parking lots, aisles, and evidently between library shelves. I am constantly going the wrong way now that the grocery store has become one way.  "Mama! You went the wrong way again! Didn't you see the sticker?" We stocked up on enough books to last us a week and Sesame is already asking to go back.

We didn't get to church this Sunday after all. They had everything set up outside and ready to go, but it rained so they called it off. Instead of watching the service at our church online, we watched the service at our old Fort Campbell church. We loved that church. Everyone in our Sunday School class was so kind.  It's where AB had her baby dedication. Even now when we move and need to find a new church we talk about how we wish we could go there. When I was pregnant with AB she would move all through the week but barely move on Saturdays and Sundays. I don't know why she took the weekends off but every week she had the same pattern. An older man named Kevin led the traditional service we attended and every single time he sang a solo, she would move. It didn't happen with any soloist but Kevin. After she was born, she still had the same reaction to him. Low and behold, Kevin sang a solo this Sunday. It made me so happy for Annabelle to see him after she'd heard about him for so long.

Sesame had ballet for the first time last week. Going from nothing in the books for months to two ballet classes in one week seems like a phenomenon. What is this life where we have to be somewhere at a particular time? Only half the girls were there but the teacher wants to have a tiny recital this week and they need practice. During quarantine the teacher videoed herself doing a class as well as the recital songs, but doing ballet at home did not work for us. Annabelle only has a moderate interest in doing ballet in person so doing it through a screen was a flop. I practiced the recital songs with her and more than made up for her lack of enthusiasm. I made myself available to the studio for an "Animal Crackers in My Soup" ballet solo but I have yet to hear whether they'll add me to the program.

We've been doing a lot of sewing together. Annabelle is constantly asking to use my thread and fabric. Most of what she sews are elaborate pictures to her but like her handwriting, nearly impossible for others to decipher. I'm cross-stitching a gift for friends who are moving to Japan and she asked to make one too. 

I'm trying to say "yes" to more these days. At our old house, most of the yard was dirt so playing in the rain meant tons of mud and I didn't feel like cleaning it up. I guess you could say it's selfish that I didn't allow it often but I know my limits and getting mud out of rugs is not good for my patience level. We have a great yard at this house and it's been warm enough so I've happily let her play in the rain several times. By all means, go play in the rain and have the time of your life. 
I captured this heartwarming and crystal clear picture of her joy. 
Look for my photography class coming to a blog near you! 


rooth said...

Our libraries are only open for curbside pick up and drop off but I'm still so thrilled about it. Glad you guys have been able to get out and do some new things. She looks so much like you in that last rainy picture (my heart)!

Rebecca Jo said...

That smile gives me all the happys too. Pure joy!
Our library just opened today too for curb site pick up!! YAHOOO!!!