I'm sad to report that my lengthy career of almost 15 years is coming to an end. I'm semi-retiring as mayor of Babysitterville. My retiring is more out of necessity more than because I want to hang up my babysitting hat as I don't like the idea of paying a babysitter to watch my child while I watch someone else's.
In light of this sad, sad, SAD day, I decided to do a lengthy brief overview of some of the children I've watched over the years. When Christopher started reading my blog he said it was all about babysitting. Looks like we're heading down that road again.
I started with the Smith family. I don't have photos to document the months I spent there but I do have many memories I'd rather erase from my mind. Long story short, it's surprising I didn't switch careers to work with objects that don't speak. It was while watching them that I discovered I DO NOT enjoy teaching a child to drive a bike. I'd almost rather do potty training. Not to mention that their mom didn't pay me what she agreed to.
Next honorable mention goes to Keegan and her twins siblings, Addison and Braden. I ADORED those babies. I watched them from about when they were 6 weeks to just over 2 years old when I got married and moved. I was really proud of myself the day I took all three kids under the age of 2 to the playground. Unfortunately I couldn't collapse their very expensive, limited edition pink and blue Eddie Bauer stroller so I had to leave it sitting by the playground. Their dad had to go on a wild goose chase to find it and I was so humiliated. I called A and B my alphabet twins and didn't want to leave them.
During this time I also watched Lauren (a child with ADHD, ADD, a psycho dog named Mason and an obsession withe the Jonas Brothers), a little half Russian girl named Nadia (easily the most boring child I've ever encountered), and her two Russian/Ukrainian friends Max and Dimitri (they had a dog named Bella who bit the walls and neither the children nor the dog were potty/house trained when I arrived...but they were when I left).
I watched my cousins Zach and Molly for about four years. We had silly supper and backwards upside down supper. We went to a petting zoo where we weren't allowed to pet the animals. I taught them how to pack shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. I answered Molly's questions about heaven and was really proud of my theological skilz until I realized she didn't learn anything because the next question was about whether I had ever been ice fishing. Every time I go home to visit I ask how their current babysitters are because they deserve only the best.

Noah was my other Fort Drum baby. Now he has a little brother named Benny who I've never met.
Amelia was my Fort Lee child during the summer we were there.
Ryder is my little buddy here at Campbell. We get along like bread and butter. He's really into buckling up water bottles which makes him the most safety conscious child I've watched. .
And of course, there's Sam, Molly, Aidan and Levi. Need I say more?
There have been many other children along the way (like Bobby whose mother still owes me $50 a year later NOT THAT I'M KEEPING TRACK) but those are just a few note worthies. If you happen to be searching for a babysitter by all means let me know. I'm willing to travel with Sesame as a sidekick.
Ps. I made a poll at the top of the page if you feel like voting outside of election day and want to predict Sesame's gender. I'm sorry I can't hand out 'I voted' stickers.
I love this post! I always wonder what the sitters we've had think of my kiddos. I wodner if it's fond like "those kids were such angels" or fond as in "they're mom was nice but kind of a lush" or awful as in "those maniacs made me want to steal all the moms wine" I wonder...
Those kiddos were very lucky to have you around! :)
What a precious trip down memory lane! Remember Brady's tooth?! And the excited anticipation of babysitting twins! You probably were a modern day Mary Poppins of a sort to Molly and Zack. And Allison was like a special special gift from God to you when you first moved far from home. The list goes on, you know better than me, but I know you are the best babysitter around and you're going to be a wonderful mother<3!
Oh you're willing to travel, huh? Well then we'll see you in a few months! Miss our best babysitter like crazy!
I found your blog via Kelly's Korner. So excited for you to hold your own little one in your arms. I enjoy your writing style and humor.
I was going to write "Im pretty sure Jenn still misses you" but then saw that she already informed you of this. Will you come out of retirement if we are ever in the same place? K, thanks.
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