Friday, July 31, 2009
Dancin' Down the Aisle
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Dear Wal-Mart
I congratulate you on the entrepreneurial spirit you are showing by expanding
Firstly, by increasing the size of your store you are, presumably, hoping/excepting to acquire new customers. May I suggest that you increase the parking lot, not shrink it down the one-fifth the original size?
Secondly, please provide maps at the door of the store's new layout. Putting the car parts where the crafts used to be and the electronics where the household items used to be is somewhat disorienting. While trying to find the baby items(which miraculously happened to be in their usual spot), I turned to Toto and remarked that we really weren't in Kansas anymore.
Thirdly, thank you for placing your friendly blue-shirted associates in convenient areas around the store to ask at the most helpful times, "do you need help finding something?" It added such a nice touch to my shopping experience.
Fourthly, Jeff shouldn't have to be the only one handling all the customers at the cash register over in the garden department. Since you felt the need to make the garden center the temporary main entrance/exit, maybe you should consider using the cash register that was just sitting there doing nothing. Just a thought.
And lastly, I am forever indebted to the sweet women who let me jump in front of them in line because I was only buying two books, and they had half a cart-full. That's the stuff Wal-Mart email forwards are made of.
Thank you for your time and your consideration. I wish you all the joy and happiness that can only come out of successful board meetings.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Meet Mason
Today was the first day I watched him and Lauren. I barely made it home alive.
Don't get me wrong: I think puppies are(generally)adorable balls of fluffy and I love babysitting. But when you add babysitting a very active child on a very hot day with trying to keep track of a very active puppy(again, on a very hot day), you just might have a glimpse into my afternoon.
I now stop by their house before picking Lauren up at camp to take Mason outside for a few minutes. If only it stayed that simple...For over an hour and a half I pulled stuffed animals, papers, pens, remote controls, backpacks, boxes, the slipcovers that go over the arms of chairs, couch cushions, rugs, towels, and shoes out of his mouth. Then I had enough and he was banished to the place referred to as His Cage. We took him out a while later for a "quick"(the understatement of the century)walk. I don't think we'll be doing that again for a while.
On the upside, I learned a very valuable lesson today: I now fully understand why Mom never let us get a puppy when all five of us were little.
I even called her up and told her so.
Edit: I forgot to say that I do not like my feet being licked by dogs. Mason has a hard time understanding that one.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A Top Five Day

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Blog-Hop Recipes
Don't say I didn't warn you.
2 lemons, cut into chunky eighths
fresh thyme
3 tablespoons olive oil
10 TLBS white wine
black pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees
2. Put the chicken pieces into a roasting tin and add garlic cloves, lemon chunks and the thyme; just roughly pull the leaves off the stalks, leaving some intact for strewing over later.
3. Add the oil and using your hands mix everything together, then spread the mixture out, making sure all the chicken pieces are skin side up.
4. Sprinkle over the white wine and grind on some pepper, then cover tightly with foil and put in the oven to cook, at flavour-intensifying low heat, for 2 hours.
5. Remove the foil from the roasting tin, and turn up the oven to 400 degrees
6. Cook the uncovered chicken for another 30-45 minutes, by which time the skin on the meat will have turned golden brown and the lemons will have begun to scorch and caramelise
at the edges.
I like to serve this as it is, straight from the roasting tin: so just strew with your remaining thyme and dole out.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Note to Self
In an effort to stream-line productivity, please take note of the following:
Friday, July 17, 2009
Lauren and Dan's Wedding
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Less Words Wednesday

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Weekly Blog Hop
Incase you haven't heard, this weeks Blog Hop topic is Three Things You Don't Know About Me. So without further adieu:
Monday, July 13, 2009
Crafts & Sewing
I finished this apron for my friend Lauren, who just got married on Saturday. She's a green, brown, pink, Paisley(actually, I'm more the Paisley one!)girl so when I saw this fabric, it said LAUREN all over it.

A sweet,sweet lady from church, Mrs Carter was very sick with cancer. I wanted so badly to make her something, but I knew that it should both pretty and useful. I finished this tissue box on Tuesday and very sadly she died the next day so I was never able to give it to her. Her daughter also goes to church with me so I wanted her to have it instead. Mrs Carter was one of those people that you can know for only a year but they just become so special in that short amount of time.

A Post of Dedication and Education

Not Me Monday
* I did not eat Strawberry Rhubarb pie for breakfast.
* Lauren's mom did not forget to let me know her husband was picking Lauren up from camp so I did not drive all the way there only to find out she had already been picked up.
* I DO NOT want to wish MckMama a fabulously wonderfully birthday!!! ♥ Nope, not me!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Weekly Blog Hop

We are beyond excited about their October 24 wedding. The way I see it, the sooner they get married the sooner the babies, aka nieces and nephews, arrive! :)
The photographer did a stellar job with this picture, if I do say so myself! ;)
Your Friendly Neighbothood Patriotic Weekend
Next on the agenda was a cookout at Katie's house. They had 5 families over which brought the grand total of kids up to 27. Consequently the line for Four-Square wrapped around part of the driveway and we had 7 chairs set up so the faint of heart(and legs)could sit while waiting their turn. I doubt we even needed the chairs because people we going in an d out of the game so fast that we barely had anytime to sit down before we had to jump up again. It just gave things a more homey-feeling. Please don't ask how well I played; its a touchy subject.
I'll stop talking now and just get on with the pictures since you're probably tired of me talking, talking, talking. You're welcome.

I have never been so impressed with grass-cutting as I was here. Jimmy cut the grass under the volleyball net into the shape of a flag. How patriotic.

me, Katie and our friend Erin

Elizabeth(my sister), Jennie(Katie's sister), and Sarah(who by the way, moved here from England. Its very interesting celebrating the 4th of July with English people because, you know, this holiday is celebrating our independence from them.)
I almost forgot that we watched the Boston Pops at night. As usual, it meet and exceded the expectaions of all previous years. It almost had a more "homey" feeling this year. Neil Diamond, a guest singer, sang one of Red Sox fans favorite songs "Sweet Caroline". I have absolutely no idea why this song is played at every game in Fenway because it has nothing to do with baseball. If you happen to know, please tell me. It must be because it says "so good(way better then the Yankees) ,so good(way better then the Yankees), so good(way better then the Yankees)." But thats just a guess. ; )
Monday, July 6, 2009
Not Me Monday
* I did not like one of the other new Not Me Monday logos just a tad more then this one(although I do like it more then I did at first).
* I did not plan Lauren's allotted tv viewing time so we would have the lest possible time playing the never-ever-ending game(???)of school/summer camp/sleepover/I tell you what you have to do even though you're the one who's really in charge. What kind of babysitter doesn't let the child play what they want unless its dangerous or deadly(which can basically be the same thing)?
* I did not eat 3(or maybe more)of the Lindt chocolate balls in Lauren's mom's candy jar, leaving only 2-3
* I did not eat a hot dog with my fingers and justify it by saying "well, everybody else is so I guess I will too." I mean, we all know that "just because everybody else is doing something doesn't mean you should."
* I did not lock the van doors but leave the windows rolled down enough that I could just reach in and unlock them.
* I did not realize once again that I am now old enough to think that 15ish-17ish year old boys are cute as in little boy cute without anyone thinking "oh, you like him!!". Let me rephrase that, they might still think it, but I can say 'oh, he is cute as in little boy cute' without caring what they think.
* That last sentence did not slightly confuse me.
* I did not stop doing a makeover on my garden so I could write this. My garden does not makeover itself. Nope, not me!