Every bride needs that special bouquet to carry during her wedding rehearsal. When said bride chooses to have a gift card shower instead of a "regular" shower, the number of bows and ribbons available to make the rehearsal bouquet can be slim to none. Enter the three brilliant bridesmaids that made this shower possible and they will ask each shower guest to bring a yard of pretty ribbon specifically for this purpose. Two of the bridesmaids will designate one of their own to do the actual creating...
If I had had any presence of mind while making this, I would have taken pictures of each step so I'd have start-to-finish documentation of the process. Unfortunately, I didn't have any such presence so we only have finished-finished documentation. Unlike most artistic and creative projects that I do, I was actually almost perfectly pleased with the outcome. Being a perfectionist is not always a good thing! The stem of the bouquet was the besequined and beautified toilet plunger Dani decorated as a Erika's scepter during the shower.*
That last sentence shows just how classy we are. But back to the flowers.
It was fun to be surprised by each different ribbon turning into its own type of flower. I almost don't want to say this because I don't want to sound like I'm boasting, but I was extremely proud that some flowers even ended up resembling real flowers like I wanted them to! The only flower I didn't make was Dani's contribution: the white rose in the bottom left of the second picture. It matched the rosettes on our dresses which tied the rehearsal and wedding together perfectly.

What I learned from this project:
1. do not be finishing such a high-importance project the night before the rehearsal
2. see #1
2. see #1
*Why is the whole paragraph comprised of completely different thoughts instead of one continual thought?! The only excuse I have is that its late. and I'm a collage student. I think we all know what that means: sleep is lacking.
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