Sunday, August 19, 2018

sunday small chat

I have a goal to blog more but I don't have much to say so do I blog anyway to reach my goal? Yes. It's quantity over quality.

Let's break out the ol' bullet points.

* Annabelle is really enjoying school. Granted she's only been three times and the excitement could wear off, but she's still riding the high of her new backpack. I think it's been a bigger adjustment for me. I enjoy the alone time but I also like having her around. She has Tuesday and Thursday off so on Thursday we stayed in our pajamas late, played in the sandbox, went to Chickfila for lunch.
We tried some new hairstyles.
We even took a girls nap on the big bed. I knew she was exhausted but wouldn't want to sleep, so I told her we should pretend to be birds in a nest. A few minutes later she was snoring away. We paid for the two hour nap later that night when she didn't want to sleep but it was enjoyable while it lasted.

* I walked around the grocery store yesterday with a large piece of tape stuck to the bottom of my shorts. Neither Christopher nor AB said anything. It accented the paint smears on my legs. I'll be starting my fashion blog soon!

* A lady from church asked if I could help them repaint some of the walls in the nursery and Sunday school areas. I went with several other people all of whom were wearing the nicest paint clothes I've ever seen. Everyone showed up in crisp, clean clothes. I really questioned whether they thought they would be painting or walking around a fancy garden center. I was wearing capris smeared with four colors of paint and a shirt with a bleach stain. My old sneakers squeaked every time I took a step. I stood out like a sore thumb. The area we were painting had several long hallways and I took the walls near the people I know. It had too many corners and crevices but I made it my personal mission to do it well. I'm not great at many things but I am a good painter. I pride myself in excellent taping and straight lines. I might leave a few drips on the floor but that's what area rugs are for. I wanted to tape a sign to the wall so people would know which area I did. When we were at church this morning I made a beeline for my area. I wanted to see it in all it's finally-dry glory. Someone had the audacity to do another coat and smeared the white chair rail paint into the gray of the walls. I almost cried tears of sadness/rage. 

* Stylin Sesame even in her sleep.

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