I've had a multitude of thoughts about this blog party.
At first, I was going to do it but forgot. Then I thought it was too late but I wasn't going to let myself get too stressed about it. After all, there are alot of important things in life to get stressed about...like being out of Oreos. All that leads me to the main point of this paragraph{I know you're all glad to hear that}: lo and behold the party ends tomorrow! So here I am, bringing up the rear as guest #1,865.
If you want your jaw to drop as you exclaim "O,what a baby!" every single time you see a picture of him, visit them. If you like wearing cute high heels as you swirl your skirt{who doesn't?}, enter the fashion world of my real life friend Amanda. If you just need to smile, hop right over to Jenna's corner of the interworld.
If you ever have a minimum of four projects going at once, find joy in blowing dandelions, stay up late watching the World Series{Red Sox fans get extra credit}, make Oreo balls by special request, and find all the happiness you'll ever need in a baby's smile, I suggest you stick around here.
I don't have any sort of professional sounding mission statement for my blog{goodness knows there's not much professional about it}but who needs suits and ties and professionalism when you live with a whole bunch of people you love and spend your days living your life?
These are my people.

I love them to death.
{Regulars around here are quite familiar with this picture as it's appeared no less then 4 times already. I just can't stop myself from not posting it again. We'll have an updated family picture when Andrew and Debbie's wedding photographer is done with their pictures. I don't know why I felt I had to explain that.}

Here we have a never-before-seen picture of my bestest friend of ALL TIME, Katie and I.
"Living my life" is comprised, in a small part, of babysitting{hence the love of baby smiles}, making plans to kidnap permanently borrow all the cute children I come across, wishing I had $50 a week designated only to buying/giving to others, and being a matchmaker{my mom is always telling me "look what happened to Emma when she was a matchmaker!". I stand firm in the belief that I've been successful twice so I should be fine.} I'm also an excessive user commas, parentheses, italicizing, and exclamation marks!!! {In case you hadn't noticed!}. I love arts,crafts, photography, and volunteering. I'm trying to find a way to make a living out of volunteering. It seems to be an uphill battle. I can also{and be jealous about this one}hang a spoon from my nose.
That is definitely going to find its way onto the resume I hand my future husband! ; )
I am a big,big fan of giveaways. The things I like best from this delightful list are as follows:
The computer. Obviously.
US23~ Monogrammed Gifts
US25~ A Thomas Jefferson Education
US75~ Summit Camping Gear
Happy ULTIMATE Blog party!!!!
Glad you finally joined!
You are right--better late than never.
Hope you have a super weekend!!
Welcome to the party!
Glad you decided to come to the party!
Just stopping by from the UBP. Hope you are having a great party. Stop by my site and check out my giveaway, it's the last day. I just need a comment to enter. Have a great day!
Hi, Stopping by from the UBP! Feel free to pop over to my blog, Parenging in Blue Jeans. It's the last day of my datenight giveaway. Feel free to add your name to the hat!
Welcome to the party!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you'll come back on Monday and join us for Making Memories Monday. From the looks of things, you are creating some great memories with your family!
So glad you were able to make it to the UBP! :) I'm glad you enjoyed my scuba lesson experience! :) I really am having fun. :) I am following your blog and can't wait to read more! :)
It's never too late to join a party! By the way, you had me at Oreo balls. My mouth is definitely watering.
I love that you love giveaways, definitely come back around and win a few of mine! :)
Very cute blog! I LOVE oreo balls, but never seem to be able to make them.... I always eat the oreos first!
Beautiful blog.
I didn't find you through UMB...but through BlogFrog. Just thought you'd like to know!
And, I love the excessive punctuation. I'm with you there...it spices things up!
Blessings to you!
Just stopping by from UBP! Glad you made it in time. I love the background by the way. Oh and hanging a spoon from your nose takes skill kudos to you!
Happy UBP 2010!! Glad you decided to join the party! I need your Oreo balls recipe. Anything Oreo HAS to be good. Make that awesome.
Oh, and I just have one thing to say Yankees Rule! :)
Just doing some last minute partying! Have a wonderful weekend. I love your blog background. So pretty
Hope you had fun at the Ultimate Blog Party! I'm still trying to visit some more since I had some extra time this week! Glad I got to stop by!!
Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by, say hi, and grab a free tutu lesson! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest
I was a late comer to the party as well, and I am even later trying to go round and see people.
Cute blog title, daffodils are my favourite flowers.
I was a late comer to the party (and am still partying long after it ended...) Cute blog. I was drawn to your name. I just love daffodils.
Most of my giveaways are for kid things, but tomorrow I have one for an Earth Day tee from Hanes! Come check it out :)
Just dropping by from UBP to say Hi! Hope you have a great week! Come on over for a visit at http://www.honoringtheking.com
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