On the of the rare sunny days 'round these parts, we hosted a party for those who couldn't make it to Andrew and Debbie's wedding due to it being held in a far-off state.
The desserts were delightful.

So delightful that some at my table felt they ate more far more than their fair share of these darling cupcakes. Who can blame them? The desserts were delightful.
What wedding get-together is complete without the "How well do you really know the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with?" game. Elizabeth was the brains behind most of the questions which explains their uniqueness. For example" would he/she rather light up a room with a shooting star or a rainbow?" and "do he/she prefer tunnels or bridges?"Those in our midst who remain single jumped at the opportunity to spend time in the sun by having an outdoor photo shoot after the game. Photo shoots are one of the things the Furnace Club loves doing best. Most club members weren't around so the shoot was small and intimate.
Someone{I just can't imagine who}politely asked for some real smiles. They kindly obliged. They do aim to please,that sunglass gang.
That same someone then lay down on the cement while wearing her very nice shirt all in the name of a good picture.
Hopefully the sun with still be shining tomorrow so we can continue our photo shoot. Hannah's birthday party is fast approaching and I want to make a Furnace Club scrapbook for her. : )
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