Let's get one thing squared away before we go any farther discussing Friday's baseball game:
This is Erin

She was the night's MVBP{Most Valuable Birthday Person}and the reason behind our night out at the park.
Now that that's out of the way, we can move on. Because I live the closest to the ball park{for clarification,we went to see the Paw Sox, not the Red Sox}Autumn and Joanna came to my house for supper then we went together in Mabel{Autumn's car}to the game. We made an important stop on the way for some candy because after all, it was Erin's birthday which was the perfect opportunity for eating peanut butter cups and pretzel M & M's. Autumn also bought Chex mix because she was trying to be healthy or something. Little did we know that when they checked our bags, they'd take away our precious food for some unexplainable reason thereby robbing us of not only said food, but also the $10+ we spent 20 minutes earlier. The girl let us keep the M & M's{again,for some unexplainable reason}and told us "just put the other candy over there and you can pick it up on the way out." Needless to say, it wasn't there on the way out and we're pretty sure we know why-the girl ate it.
But moving on.
We sat in my favorite section-the first base line. We always sit there and I'm such a person of habit I probably would have been completely confused had we sat on the third base line.

I always wonder what the players are discussing at these little huddles. Surely they weren't discussing how to win since they were already leading 9 to 4. I think they were trying to decide what restaurant they should go to after the game.

Ahhhhh...Pawsox...lightbulb! On Friday, I was like, "But Sarah, the Red Sox are in Texas!!" I love the Pawsox too. I used to live in Pawtucket when I was younger and we could walk (a looong walk) to McCoy. Glad you had fun!
Keri,I was looking for you while I was there because I know you like baseball too! :)
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