Not seen above are the boots, bag, and who knows what else on the floor
After supper, we met our friends at the bowling alley for a bowling party. I had repeatedly been telling everyone that I am not good at bowling so please don't expect much, when the first bowl I rolled (threw? sent?) down the lane was a strike. That has happened exactly zero times before in my whole entire life. Needless to say, nobody believed my speech anymore even though I kept insisting that it was 100% true. I actually managed to get TWO more strikes. It was a completely unprecedented (probably will never be repeated) bowling night.

Katie, Erin, and I in our annual picture together
No,I don't always wear black and yes, I do have other necklaces!
Back at Katie's, we had snacks and hot chocolate before playing Apples to Apple and Catch Phrase. I didn't give the others an "I'm not very good at these games" speech because of all the practice I've had with them recently. I did, however, shock myself completely by bursting into song when the phrase 'home on the range' came up during Catch Phrase. I never, ever, ever just start singing by myself when others around are around. Certainly not in public. Between the strikes and the singing, I'm not sure what happened to me that night!
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