Out of the kindness of her heart, Grandma took Dad and I out to eat for supper. I had planned on making something with shrimp and spaghetti, but being gone 9 consecutive hours is hardly conducive to preparing a fancy meal so I was more than happy to have someone do the cooking for me. {According to Dad: "Mom thinks the shrimp has been frozen so long that it's not good anymore, but I think its probably fine. We'll find out if it's not."} Nothing could possibly make up for the range of emotions I the matchmaker felt upon realizing that our waiter would be so perfect for Autumn! Regardless of the fact we don't know him from anything, they would just be so cute together! Cute is all that matters, right? My hopes were dashed however when he mentioned his fiance. Oh well, hope springs eternal in another restaurant. I left a note for him on the table the said "Enjoy your wedding! :)". Just think, he might have that note taped to his refrigerator for all 52 years of his marriage!
If, as Michael Scott said, "that was sort of clearish" at all.
On the agenda for tomorrow:

I really hope I get something worthwhile done! I guess the feeling of 'so much to do, so little time' is a WOTH side effect!
I really must go now. I'm simultaneously writing this, chatting with Elizabeth on gmail{she thinks I'm no fun since I never chat, so I'm out to prove her wrong}, watching The Office, and telling myself my ETA to bed was half an hour ago. If, as Michael Scott said, "that was sort of clearish" at all.
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