Last week Katie called and asked if I wanted to get together the next Thursday night{which was yesterday}. I told that I would love to but didn't think I could because Dad was having an open house for his new business and I wanted to be there for him. But, I said I'd talk to Dad about anyway just to be sure. Sunday night I told her the verdict: I was going to stay home and help Dad. He said I could go if I wanted, but I decided to stay. Normally I would have JUMPED at any chance to see Katie since we don't spend nearly enough time together, but I knew I'd be seeing her this weekend so I didn't get too stressed out over it.

It's nice to know that when I am old and gray, I'll have such great friends by my side.
I thought fully she 'd understood that I couldn't go to Friendly's with her when she called me Wednesday and said "so, do you think you can come tomorrow?". Honestly, I was thinking 'I already told her I couldn't. Why is she asking again??' Seemed a little fishy to me. I was starting to feel bad at this point so I said I'd talk to Dad about it again. This time he was very "it would be good for you to see your friend! You don't get to see her much and I think it would be good for you..." After much more deliberation, I called Katie back saying we could go out after all.
I showed up at Friendly's at preciously 7:36{rich people like to show up fashionably late}and Katie met me at my car. I was in the midst of explaining in too many words why I was late when I turned the corner and saw 9 of my friends sitting at a table with cameras and party crowns and 'happy birthdays!!'
Katie had planned an early surprise birthday party for me.
It took me quite a while to recover from 1) the shock of the whole thing 2) being the center of attention{which I avoid at all costs} and 3) the thought that I probably gave poor Katie 12 gray hairs due to the fact I said I would let her know, then said I couldn't go, then rethought the whole thing before finally giving her the answer she wanted.

They had a party hat, balloons, and lei ready for me at my spot
All my attempts to remain inconspicuous to the rest of the restaurant failed miserably. After all, there's only so much you can do when your seated near the entrance and wearing a tall pointy hat that is constantly knocking the balloons tied to your chair. I saw one dad point me out to his daughter and say "look at her! Doesn't she look funny!" That was right before the Friendly's people came over and sang me their signature birthday song. Do you remember I said something about avoiding the limelight at all costs? Eventually, I realized it was a lost cause and moved on.

The mastermind, one and only bestest friend in the whole wide world, Katie.

I met Erin through Katie{they go to the same church}and I'm so glad to have her as a friend too! We never plan this, but in every single picture of us we're in this pattern. Sarah,Katie,Erin. The world might stop turning if we weren't lined up right.

Marylynn and Joy, my "almost sisters" and Katie's real sisters.

My fabulous sister-in-law was also there.
She's holding a book Joy made that they all wrote really sweet notes in. I felt so loved!

Daniel made an appearance when he came to pick up Erika. He was such a good sport about being with all those ladies. He even{briefly}put on a party crown. Notice we're looking in different directions. The paparazzi was unbelievable.

I can honestly say I feel much better about turning 21 having my birthday than I did before. I've been avoiding talk about said event as much as possible.{Peter Pan hasn't returned any of my calls and emails about a possible trip to Neverland.} Someday when I'm old and gray, I'm sure I'll think 21 is so young just like 15 and 16 has suddenly started to seem young to me. I'm sure Katie and I will be the old ladies who are really kids on the inside!

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