I started off the day eating a nice pancake breakfast Mom and Elizabeth made me. I love that my birthday is in May because almost every year it's nice enough for us to eat breakfast outside!
This is my card from Grandma along with flowers Dad picked for me{yay for daisies!}.

A little sisterly love

At night we went to our homeschool groups production of Fiddler on the Roof. It was soo good! This picture of the bottle dancers is the best picture I was able to take during the show.

Our wonderful friends, Willie and Hannah.
Willie was the Rabbi which was perfect for him because he's naturally a very s-l-o-w m-e-t-h-o-d-i-c-a-l person just like the Rabbi in the movie. Hannah was a town's person and soloist.

Elizabeth, Hannah & I
I choose not to have a real birthday party this year because I don't really *need* anything, so I want to have a party for homeless children who otherwise wouldn't have anything special for their birthday. I haven't had my special birthday meal yet either because we're waiting for a time when Daniel and Erika can come, but my family made the day special for me in other ways. All in all, it was a wonderful way to start a new year!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy belated birthday!! My birthday is just a day before yours. :)
Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a lovely day!
Happy Birthday!! Glad you had a special day!! =)
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