On my Things to do Before I Die list, somewhere between learn to waltz and become a cowboy girl, is written visit the Bushes summer home in Kennebunkport.
I am pleased to announce that as of June 4th, 2010, it has been crossed of my list.
Now you have to understand the Bushes: I'm a fan. A BIG fan {particularly of the older members of the family, but I do like the youngers, too}. This fact is not lost on my family so when Mom told me that Old Orchard Beach is near Kennebunkport, I knew all my dreams were about to come true. At least, the dreams involving large house and nice people who's last name starts with B.
Isn't it beautiful!?
Kennebunkport is one of the cutest towns I have ever seen. It's so quaint in one way but very "rich people live here" in another. We were so impressed at all other the beautiful houses that we almost drove by the B's. Unless you're looking for it and know it's their house, you could easily miss it{especially since it's not guarded by The Great Wall of Maine.}

You have to understand something else about the Bushes and I: we're pen-pals of sorts. I say "of sorts" because we haven't met yet, but we're real pen-pals none the less. For now, I am content knowing I got to look at their house across the water and hope that the man in the red shirt was Mr Bush himself. Someone, I think Mom, asked me if he likes to wear red. Unfortunately, even though we're pen-pals, I don't know the answer to that question. I guess I'll just have to ask him next time I write. Or better yet, when they invite us over for supper! :) We do know they were home thanks to their very nice security guard{NO, we weren't in trouble! How could you think such a thing? We were just talking to him. I'm not sure why he shared that information with us; I'd think it was a security breach but I didn't mind knowing!}.
After leaving the Bushes house we walked around the town. Poor Aaron, being with all girls meant he had to wait while we went in all the stores!
We just had such a nice time walking around and spending time with each other. At night we had a picnic on the beach but I"ll save those pictures for later.
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