You may have started wondering why I haven't said anything about Daniel and Erika's wedding on Saturday , and only put up ONE picture, since I've been talking about it basically non-stop since May 1st. The simple answer is that I am still completely in shock over the beauty and perfectness that was October 24th, 2009. I realize this may be a rather biased and controversial statement so if you're married feel free to skip to the next sentence, but I have never in my life-time and long, extensive wedding history seen a more beautiful, touching, sweet, and completely perfect wedding. In other words, it was a Mary Poppins "practically perfect in every way" wedding.
As I mentioned once or fifty times before, Erkia's brother Wesley was her
Kim did a wonderful job decorating the church with mums, pumpkins, squash and candles. On the end of every pew on the side closest to the aisle were long black candle holders with a lit candle. It was so pretty looking down the aisle at the candles and flowers as we walked in. By far my favorite thing to see as I walked down was Daniel waiting so handsome at the front of the church. He was practically bursting with happiness. I am so proud of that boy for finding such a wonderful wife!!
To those who say all brides are nervous wrecks, I say you have never seen a bride like Erika. She was so cool, calm and collected the whole time. Not to say there weren't moments when she wasn't nervous or anxious, but to see her sitting there so beautifully with her train on a chair behind her eating celery(I know that's not romantic but its part of their wedding story),and talking and laughing with us you never would have know. I think a lot of that comes from them being so very comfortable with each other. In fact, I think the most stressed she was all day was about her dad arriving on time!
We have only seen a few pictures so far so I don't have many to share yet. I was dying a sad, slow death at the beginning of the week because I hadn't seen any pictures at all when an email from Dani's sister arrived containing 8 pictures and saved the day. I'm counting down the days until we see the rest of the professional pictures because I know they'll be beyond beautiful. I am so hoping there's a picture of another sweetest moment: Daniel wiping away Erika's tears with his handkerchief. The collective sigh from the guest almost blew out the candles. I'm sure I'll be talking about the wedding for awhile and showing lots of pictures; how can I not when it was such a special event?!

The wedding sounds beautiful. Did you make the bridesmaid dresses? They are all so pretty.
I can't wait to see more pictures
We were going to make the dresses but when we saw these at Davids Bridal that we all liked we just bought them instead.It would have been nice to have handmade dresses but it was alot easier to buy them! Another bridesmaid,Dani, and her mom and sisters made Erikas dress though. They did such a beautiful job! I wouldn't even want to attempt sewing something so important! :)
Beautiful Picture. I love that she was so calm! It is humbling...I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I saw your blog on the ning site for the bloom book club.
Sarah ~
I have no idea about Wyatt and Audrey's names. You could always ask Sarah who made the video?? Sorry! ; )
Thank you for being so sweet and faithful to check in on us. Blessings!
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