This has been such a busy time lately(have I mention my brother is getting married?!)that I've barely had time to post anything. I'm going to(try to)do a quick overview of the last couple days in one two post so feel free to a) skip this or b) get some water/tea/coffee/whatever-you-like-to-drink 'cause you might be here a while.
Friday night was so fun. I went to Erika's to meet up with The Girls(Dani and Rudi)so we could have one more bridesmaids/bride meeting before the wedding. We went to Macys to pick out makeup colors, which was an Experience in and of its self, and saw Rudy wearing makeup for the first time ever in her life. She looked beautiful as you can see:

We spent the rest of the night talking, eating crackers and cheese,letting Dani experiment with our hair, trying on our beautiful dresses and, believe it or not, laughing. Defiantly one of my favorite things about getting together is that all three times I've been able to spend time alone with Erika and really talk to her!
The most exciting thing to happen all day was my phone call with Katie that basically went as follows:
me: "What are you doing on Monday?"
Katie: "Nothing. What are you doing?"
me: "Nothing. Do you want to come over?"
Katie: "Sure! I was about to ask you the same thing!"
Whoever said that girls talk for way too long without getting anything done obviously hasn't met me and Katie. That
I was in the nursery at church Sunday and oh the joy and bliss of spending the morning with one of my very cutest little curly-topped friend's, Noa. I love when her family visits! We left church a tad early to pick up Katie and saw some beautiful Fall foliage on the way. By the way, Katie's brother Jimmy brought her halfway to met us and Dad called him a "peach" for being so kind. Thank heavens Jimmy didn't hear that! ;) I can't let it go without mention that Mom, Katie and I played two games of Sequence at night. My humility prevents me from saying who won.
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